25 March 2021

Shape 'Pizzas'

Tamariki are learning to name 2-dimensional shapes: triangle, square, rectangle, circle and to describe shape attributes in their own language.

Tamariki arrange shapes in interesting ways to make a 'shape pizza', they then counted the shapes and wrote how many they used of each shape.

23 March 2021

We 'spy' shapes

We are busy learning all about shapes and went around our school to search for them, using our 'spy goggles'.

Here are a couple of photos of the shapes we found...

17 March 2021

Shape Collage Art

Students were provided with one sheet of white paper each. Shapes of different sizes that overlapped were drawn on their paper.  

Tamariki used pastels to colour in their shapes.

Zoom with Mr Griffin

According to Mr. Griffin's 'Scroll announcement' today, there are quite a lot of names from Room 5 already on the scroll. 

Tamariki using the Habits and with their names on the scroll, will each receive a Habit Hero cape at the end of the term! 

16 March 2021

Habit 3: Put first things first - Handprint art

We read and discussed the story of 'The Little Red Hen' to incorporate with learning about Habit 3, 'Put First Things First' and then create a display with the habit in Maori and English.

Loopy Shapes #2

Today we used hula hoops to sort shapes in. We began by putting a small shape in one of the hoops.

The shapes were then distributed and tamariki sorted them into the hoops. We discuss the shapes in the hoops. Which hoop has the most? Check by counting. Do the shapes in this loop have other things in common?

15 March 2021

Loopy Shapes #1

To  introduce our new maths focus on 'Shapes', we started by learning and singing a shape song.

Tamariki then sorted shapes according to attributes (e.g. colour, shape, size). This exploration gave students a chance to construct their own understandings about shapes and how they are related.

11 March 2021

Box Modeling

 Tamariki used materials and boxes of different shapes and sizes to make a model. 

08 March 2021

When I grow up, I want to be…

Tamariki created a piece of art of something they would like to be when they are older. They wrote a sentence to go with their art.